Robbers Roost Men's Group


Group Conscience Minutes

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

 Minutes Content
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Attendees: Don, Craig, Ken, Rich


Secretary review of last meeting minutes (Don):

Representative Reports: 

·         Celebration Cakes (John B):


·         Clean Up (Rich): 

o    Good

·         Coffee (Ken C): 

·         GSR (Craig B):

o    New District Correction Committee, Treatment chairs

o    District Workshops coming soon

·         Inter-Group (Russ):  Don Proxy

o    Central Office is moving across the parking lot from Boulder One

·         Literature (OPEN ):  Ken is temp

·         Secretary (Don S):

o    Updated phone list

o    Minutes posted on the web site

o    Add announcements to binder

·         Treasurer (OPEN):  Don is temp

o    Checking account opened in Don’s name

o    Checks ordered

o    Add Ken and Craig to checking account signature approval card

·         Open Positions:

o    Treasurer


·         Old Business:

o    Craig on group service commitment opportunities like Adult Rehab meeting, Sunday's at 8PM. 


·         New Business:

o    Add announcement page to binder

o    Prudent reserve:
$10 for coffee supplies
$200 for GSR event travel
$30 for celebration cake
$36 for AA literature

o    Quarterly pay out.
MOTION: Pay quarterly after expenses and prudent reserve as follows:
1/3 to Sister Carmen, divide remaining 2/3 evenly between District 24, Area 10, GSO, and InterGroup: PASSED

o    Treasurer to pay out quarterly distribution once checks arrive


·         A/I Status:

o    Closed Action Items: 

§  Treasurer to pay Sister Carmen quarterly after expenses and $200 prudent reserve met, and put receipt in Mr Imel's office.

§  Doug to create a summary report for GC meetings.

§  Don to get TAX-ID number so a checking account can be opened.

§  Russ to follow up on our request for IG to post our meeting in the area meeting schedule.

o    Open Action Items:

§  Don to add Craig and Ken as signers on RR checking account

§  Don to replace teapot power cord

§  Ken re-stocked AA literature

§  Don to add announcements to the binder