Robbers Roost Men's Group
Group Conscience Minutes
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Attendees: Rich, Ken, Craig, Don, Russ

Secretary review of last meeting minutes (Don proxy):

Representative Reports: 

·         Celebration Cakes (John B):


·         Clean Up (Rich): 

o    All is well


·         Coffee (Dave): 


·         Group Service Coordinator (Rich):

o   ARC Meeting next Tuesday


·         GSR (Craig B):



·         Inter-Group (Russ): 

·         No longer can fulfill this position.



·         Literature (Ken )

o    Will get more Big Books, 12x12’s, and Schedules

·         Secretary (Cheston):


·         Treasurer (Don): 

o   Next month will pay Quarterly contributions.



·         Old Business:

 o    ARC Meeting: Don to email list with reminder early the 2nd week of each month



·         New Business:



·         A/I Status:

o    Closed Action Items: 




        o  Open Action Items:

·         Don to email list ARC Meeting reminder early the 2nd week of each month

·         Don to add Craig and Ken as signers on RR checking account