Robbers Roost Men's Group
Group Conscience Minutes
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Attendees: Don, Kenny, Dave, Brian, Tim, Craig, Rob, Ken

Secretary review of last meeting minutes (Jeff):

Representative Reports: 

·         Celebration Cakes (Craig B):

o   All is well, cakes on 3rd mtg of each month.


·         Clean Up (Larry): 

o   All OK. Need more Dish soap and cups, and will launder towels.


·         Coffee (Dave): 

o   Re-stocked and re-imbursed.


·         Group Service Coordinator (Rich):

o   Participation off, see new business for discussion.


·         GSR (Craig B):

o   Spring Assembly March 26-28 at the Radisson in Longmont, see flyer.


·         Inter-Group (Jerry): 

o   Will start attending IG meetings, last Tuesday of each month.


·         Literature (Ken): 

o   Will stock more schedules.


·         Secretary (Jeff): No Update


·         Treasurer (Don): 

o   All is well, quarterly payments made.


·         Web (Don):

o   Updated announcements, will post RR reunion notice when one arrives.



·         Old Business:


·         New Business:

o   Group service: ARC meeting has changed, no more in-patient treatment beyond detox, so meetings are mostly outsiders, and that 2nd Thursday meeting is no longer lacking support. Other service options: Central Office phone answering shifts, Night Watch, Sunday night BCTC meeting, Jail meetings.

Motion: Rich to gather more information on other service opportunities. PASSED.


·         A/I Status:

·         Closed Action Items: 


·         Open Action Items:

o   Don to add Craig and Ken as signers on RR checking account