Robbers Roost Men’s Group

Group Conscience Minutes


Attendance: Brian, Rich A., Don S., Dave W., Craig B., Jerry K., Ken C.


-Brief Reports:

Craig (GSR)- Wanted to discuss the Organization of A.A.  He described it level by level.  He talked more about Area Assembly issues. He also reported back to group about most recent District meeting and had the following issues to talk about:

1.    Is the Grapevine relevant today?

2.    Pink Can(Corrections)- Is it subtracting from general funds?

Jerry (Intergroup Rep.)- reported from the most recent Intergroup meeting and stated that the Nightwatch Program needs a new group to volunteer taking it over because present group is ready to move on.  He also presented the report for the Intergroup Budget.  He said that Central Office is still looking for a full-time Manager and Intergroup is still looking for histories from all the groups in the district.


Don (Treasurer/Web Coordinator)- He presented the Web report as well as the Treasurer report.  He is also going to pay the rent for the month and write checks for monthly contributions to Intergroup, Area, District, and GSO.


Larry (Clean-up)- not present.


Rich (Group Services Coordinator)- Reported that Central office signups are going well.


Ken (Literature Rep.)- Needs to pick up new meeting schedules.


Dave(Coffee/Setup)- Out of Coffee but he is getting more for next week.


Kelly(Phone List Coordinator)- Not present.


Old Business: None


New Business:

1)  The group discusses the fact that the Pink Can surpasses our other contributions and that it should be separate or in-additon-to.  A motion was put forward to make an announcement during the meeting about the Pink Can being separate.  It was seconded and passed.

2)  Don makes a motion to reduce Prudent Reserve from $276.00 to $200.00.  It was seconded and passed by the group.

3)  Dave stated that he’s had the Setup position for over a year and is going to start making announcements at meeting if anyone is interested in the position.

4)  Craig volunteers to work on writing a history of our group.