Robbers Roost Men’s Group

Group Conscience Minutes


Attendance: Craig B., Michael G., Jerry K., Rich A., Ben B., Don S., Ken C., Ben C.

-Meeting is opened with the Serenity Prayer


-Brief Reports

Craig(GSR)- No new district news, etc. to report.

Jerry(Intergroup)- nothing to report.  He did not make last month’s Intergroup meeting.

Don(Treasurer/Web Coordinator)- He paid $25.00 from group for the Founder’s Day picnic and made monthly deposits.  He also handed out  a written Treasurer’s report.  He announced that he needed to step down from both of his current positions.

Larry(Clean-up)- Nothing to report.

Rich(Group Services Coordinator)- Nothing to report.

Ken(Lit. Rep.)- Nothing to report.

Michael(Coffee/Setup)- is going to pick up more coffee and will just get reimbursed by the group later.

Kelly(Phone List Coordinator)- not present.

Old Business:

  1. Craig updates the group on the writing of our group’s history.  He is doing research and will visit the other Robbers Roost meeting in Colorado for notes and history.  He has continued talking to long-time members and is continuing to work on it.
  2. Group discusses the plans for the upcoming Robbers Roost 2-Year Anniversary picnic that is to be held at Waneka Lake Park in Lafayette, CO on July 11, 2010 from 1pm-4pm.  Group delegates which member will bring what dish, supplies, etc. and who can volunteer to help setup or breakdown/cleanup.

New Business:

  1. Group asks its Secretary to type/print minutes from tonight’s Group Conscience and put in meeting binder to function as part of the announcements at the beginning of each meeting.
  2. Group discusses how we can get a different variety of members to sign up to volunteer at Central Office  apart from the same people who usually do it.  Group decides that each time Rich announces about needing people to sign up that a different member can share briefly an experience they had working Central Office the week before.

Newly Elected Positions:

Ben B.- elected to become group’s new Web Coordinator.

Ken C.- elected to become group’s new Treasurer.

Don S.- elected to become group’s new Literature Representative.


Action Item:

1.  As soon as recent checks/deposits clear, Don will write a check to Ken C. to open a new group account under his name.