Robbers Roost Men’s Group

Group Conscience Minutes: 2/7/2012


Attendance:  Don, Dave, Michael, Tim, Jeff, Aaron, Kelly, Eric, Ken

·         Meeting opened with the Serenity Prayer

·         Intros

·         Previous Minutes approval



·         Celebration Cake:

·         PI:

·         Phone List:

·         Treasurer: Ken: quarterly payments made:

·         GSR: Dave: Spring Assembly coming up in Aurora

·         Intergroup: Don: could not attend last IG meeting

·         Literature:

·         Jails: Eric: help needed for Jail meetings

·         Group Service Coord:

·         Coffee: Michael: New pound delivered tonight

·         Cleanup:

·         Archives: Tim to update our group’s history

·         CPC:

·         Secretary:

·         Web-site: Don: updated meeting format


Old Business:

·         Newcomer Item is closed - format updated.

·         Next Grp Inv item:


New Business:

·         GI Item: Take up the hat removal requirement again.

o   A primary intent is to help newcomers give up old ideas and perceptions.

o   Part of historical RR format, as originally voted upon.

o   Newcomers have misgivings about “God”. Discussion about changing “God” to “Higher Power”.

o   Another primary intent is to humble yourself.

o   Motion: leave it as is: PASSED.

·         Tim to put together RRMG history from retreat pamphlet and Craig’s history description.

·         More business cards needed, Don to print.


Open Service Positions:

·         Cleanup: Aaron votedt in, to get key from Ben C.


Action Items:

·         Don print RRMG business cards.