Robbers Roost Men’s Group

Group Conscience Minutes: 5/1/2012


Attendance:  Ben, Ken, Tanner, Michael, Larry, Eric, Mark, Dave, Jeff, Ted, Tim

·         Meeting opened with the Serenity Prayer

·         Intros

·         April Minutes approved.



·         Dave (GSR):
- Attended D24 meeting with Ted.
- Getting Grapevine to those in need? - would RR be willing to sponsor annual subscription to detox centers @ $28/yr (NB item)?
- Tony from treatment is looking for more people of service.

·         Ted (Alt-GSR): Nothing to report.

·         Tim (Archives): Nothing to report.

·         Ken (Treasurer): Paid all bills and distributed funds.  Sister Carmen: $125.66. Central Office: $125.68. D24: $75.40. Area10: $25.13. GSO: $25.13. Prudent Reserve: $200. Area Corrections: $133.

·         Larry (GSC): Very good coverage at Central Office. Mary has high praise for RR.

·         Eric (Grapevine): Has his grapevine - looking for ways to do grapevine for RR.

·         Mark (Corrections): Not much to report.

·         Ben (Secretary/Web-site): April minutes posted. Home page updated with current events.  Picnic flyer posted.


Old Business:

·         RR Picnic: Proposed date July 8th 1-4pm @ Waneka Lake. Jeff as Picnic Coordinator passes.  Be sure to announce.  Need flyer, post on web-site.

·         Table last Grp Inventory item.

·         Area and GSO NB items.  Dave as trusted servent represents RR.

·         Sponsor Grapevine Subscription @ $28/yr.  Grapevine decides who benefits from this (who is in need).
- Mark: would like to have choice, preferably local.
- Dave: RR sponsor subscription to local entity of need thru Devon.
- Passes: Dave to go back to District (AI).

·         New meeting place: No action on this now.  We like this place.


New Business:

·         Nothing.


Open Service Positions:

·         Open positions: CPC, Treatment.

·         Expiring positions: IG, Sec, PhoneList, GSC, Corrections.

·         Jeff stands for Lit Rep - Approved.

·         Tanner stands for Treatment Rep - Approved.

·         Update the service position sheet - Ben (AI)

·         Update the service position announcement page - Ben (AI)


Action Items:

·         Dave: take RR Grapevine sponsorship back to District.

·         Ben: Update the service position sheet

·         Ben: Update the service position announcement page