Robbers Roost Men’s Group

Group Conscience Minutes: 6/5/2012


Attendance:  Dave W, Jeff R, David L, Ken C, Ted B, Marc W, Larry, Craig B, Daniel M, David A, Alex B, Don S

·                                 Meeting opened with the Serenity Prayer

·                     Intros

·                     May Minutes approved with minor edits (Don updated web copy).



·         Dave (GSR):

·         Ted (Alt-GSR): Nothing to report.

·         Tim (Archives): Nothing to report.

·         Ken (Treasurer): All is well.

·         Larry (GSC):

·         Mark (Corrections):

·         Don (InterGroup): Nothing to report.

·         Jeff (Literature):


Old Business:


New Business:


Open Service Positions:


Action Items:

·         Eric: Fill out Grapevine subscription form for Choice House with valid mailing address and give it to Ken to mail with a check.

·         Don/Craig to pass Local 12-Step signup contact list

·         Ben: Update the service position sheet

·         Ben: Update the service position announcement page