Robbers Roost Men’s Group

Group Conscience Minutes: 9/3/2013

Attendance: Ben, Ken, David, Damon, Ted, Michael G., Michael, Mirz

Meeting opened with the Serenity Prayer


August minutes approved with minor revisions


Ted (GSR): attended district meeting: whether to dissolve Grapevine committee – get consensus from group, three choices: a) leave as is; b) dissolve; or c) repurpose; 3 out of 4 previous chairs have recommended dismantling in D24; purpose of position – examine purpose and use of Grapevine, service; problem: poor attendance at meetings; group- specific handling may be the way to go; distributed Sister Carmen list to Hope (Women’s Group).

Michael (Treasurer): bought Back to Basics books – reimbursed for expenses; copy of Treasurer’s report provided: statement balance as of 8-23: $1776.95; no checks outstanding; prudent reserve

$450.00; pending deposits- none; available balance $0.00; expenses: $255.50 (reimbursement for Back to Basics books), $250.00 (Masonic Temple Assoc. –rent), $255.04 Area 10 Corrections Comm.,
$155.31 (Sister Carmen), $155.55 (Boulder County Intergroup), $93.33 District 24, $31.11 (Area 10),
$31.11 (GSO), Daniel Memorial Scholarship Fund - $15 donated specifically for this purpose.

Lary K. (IGR): not here

Gino (Tue. night GSC): not here

Michael (Thu. night GSC): covering shifts himself mostly (and w/ Gino) for Wed. night – going well, wants to get familiar and be able to train people, will start getting people to sign up soon.

Marc (Night Watch): not here

Craig (PIR): literature at S. Carmen (English/Spanish) is being used; located pocket cards with time and place for both meetings; will try to find a better place for these; did not attend DC – not much happened.

Dave (Phone list): n/a

Damon (Thu. night gate keeper; Coffee/Setup/Cleanup): all is well.

David (website coordinator): July minutes uploaded to website, all is well.

Ari (Tue. night coffee): n/a

Old business: 1) discussed whether to have New Year’s dance – involvement, ideas, service – let Don S. know;

2) Michael voted as Thur. night GSC; 3) 12th step lists – out of date; 4) RR meeting in Longmont –scheduled for
Wednesday nights – at Don S.’s house for now (announced by Rich at Tue. night meeting 9/3/2013), 4)
discussed pros and cons of moving Thu. night meeting to the same facility as Tue. night meeting;
New business: 1) voting on whether to dissolve Grapevine chair position in D24 so that Ted can communicate RR group’s sentiment to D24 – voted in line with previous chair’s recommendation to dissolve the position; 2) Ari will step down from Alt-GSR position – David might be interested to take it on; 3) voting on whether to move Thu. night meeting to Tue. night meeting location – RR group voted for it – will move November 1st; 4) discussed to have a new ‘temporary’ position starting Nov 1st for someone to stand at Sister Carmen location before the meeting to inform people of new meeting location

Open Service Positions: CPC; Grapevine rep.; Tuesday night coffee and set-up; Alternate GSR, IGR.

Action Items: announce at Thu night meeting we would move – vote next GSC; Mirz to update service position documents and add Daniel Memorial Scholarship Fund to the meeting script.