Robbers Roost Men’s Group

Group Conscience Minutes: 11/5/2013

Attendance: Chris K, Michael G., Jeff, Marc, Ted, Larry K., Larry, Mirz, Craig, Damon, Brandon, Mark

Meeting opened with the Serenity Prayer


October minutes approved with minor revisions


Ted (GSR): provided a detailed copy of notes from Area 10 assembly; decision to maintain Grapevine position at District level; voted on CO-DCM (Joe voted in); Raoul new alt DCM; state convention; hosting workshop; rest of the details are available at your request as detailed by Ted

Michael (Treasurer): copy of Treasurer’s report provided: statement balance as of 10-25: $698; checks outstanding: CK#1022 Lafayette Masonic Temple Ass. ($250); Current balance $448; Deposit pending:

$925.50; prudent reserve $450.00; pending deposits- $498.50; available balance $923.50; Daniel
Memorial Scholarship Fund - $35 donated specifically for this purpose.

Larry K.: everything is out of Masonic Hall; online schedule is updated

Mark (literature rep.): asked for a list of stuff for literature;

Gino (Tue. night GSC): n/a

Mikael (Thu. night GSC): n/a

Marc (Night Watch): sign up good through November

Craig (PIR): nothing to report

Jeff (IGR): IGR last Tuesday; 2 GC coordinates; Avg. collection is small; Colorado disasters – cost gone up on insurance; establish merchant acct. – wheather to use credit cards to purchase literature; April – 75th anniversary of AA; Big Book edition

Dave (Phone list): n/a

Damon (Thu. night gate keeper; Coffee/Setup/Cleanup): all is well

David (website coordinator): n/a

Chris (Tue. night coffee): n/a

Larry (archives): met with Don S. and Craig to discuss as to how to proceed (RR national level v. RR

local group);

Old business: 1) Mark voted in as literature rep; 2) Chris voted in for Tue. coffee position; 3) Jeff voted in as our new IGR; 4) change the script from “silence your phones and pagers” to “silence your phones”;

New business: 1) RR GC voted for Larry to first explore local RR group for archives; 2) Jeff/Mark to order Anniversary editions of the big book for distribution and sale to RR group; 3) Brandon volunteered to steer people to the new location from Sister Carmen on Thu. nights;

Open Service Positions: CPC; Grapevine rep.; Alternate GSR.

Action Items: none